Monday 23 December 2013

How to be a skinny bitch...

Don't Eat!

(Im joking, that doesn't help)

So since it's Christmas and were all about to gorge on calories, and thus feel the inevitable wave of guilt  in January, I thought I'd write a blog on my general health and fitness regime! Obviously I'm no expert, but I'd like to think Im surrounded by enough experts to know a thing or two!

So first of all I'll talk you through generally what classes I do, and what they involve. And if you're local, let me know and you can come along with me!

Monday - So as if Mondays aren't hard enough, its now also Spin day for me! A lot of you will have heard of Spin since its become a bit of a fad recently. It involves a fast paced cycling class on a stationary bike. There are many aspects to the class, sprinting is when you have to pedal for your life, and this gets your RPM up high, theres also times when you'll have the bike in a high gear (so its hard to pedal) and this really strengthens the legs as well as making you sweat buckets, theres also dipping where you look like you're doing press ups on the handle bars as you cycle, so really working your entire body. It is a hard class, and a lot of people are daunted by it but I promise you its so rewarding. Its the one class I actually come out of dripping sweat so its great for the Cardio, and you really start noticing results quite quickly. The one thing I always say to people is never be disheartened by the first class, it is horrific if you've never done it before but you have to keep going and push through and soon you'll be absolutely addicted!!
I also do a stretch class on a Monday now, something Ive never really done before but already I love it! Its as the name suggests a class that teaches you ways of stretching out your whole body and its so relaxing and relieving. Going to the gym isn't all about the body, and classes like this where you really relax and get in touch with your muscles are mentally so beneficial, I always come out feeling like a weights off of my shoulders and I'd recommend it for anyone who considers themselves stressed.  (So thats everyone then!) Its also great for increasing your flexibility which is always a plus.

Tuesday - For the second day of the week, I have circuit class. The reason I love this class so much is because its so varied. So even though its hard, time seems to fly! It involves going round a number of stations, and at each station you do a different exercise for a short period of time. This ranges from squats, push ups, tricep dips, planks, you name it! Its fantastic for toning all over your body and again another one that you really feel results from fast! I definitely look forward to this one every week!

Wednesday - So for hump day, Im back in for 2 more classes! First of all is ABT, otherwise known as LBT. Its a class that specifically targets abs, buttocks and thighs. Something I clearly need as a woman! This is a great one if you're concerned about trying out classes as its hard but its not as daunting as Spin! It involves things like leg curls, squats, lunges, crunches etc but its honestly not as scary as it sounds and its worth it when you see how quickly you tummy and legs firm up! I'd also like to note that the Instructor I have for this, Kerry is so amazing and I particularly enjoy her classes at C5.
After ABT, Kerry also runs a Yoga class, again a lot of people seem put off by this as they think you have to be a pro! You don't at all, I am not flexible in the slightest, the point of the class is to help you get better! It again is really relaxing and helps stretch out your muscles which by this point in the week are probably feeling cramped!!! Again, I always leave with such a clear mind and feeling really invigorated.

So after Wednesday, my regime is totally flexible since the latter part of the week seems to get busy for me! Contrary to beliefs I have a life outside of the gym! There are more circuit and Spin classes throughout the week, as well as smaller 30 minute classes earlier in the day (Which I will be attending in January since I am off uni for a month!!!)

Ofcourse on top of just classes, I do work out in the gym itself. I usually do mainly cardio, as I will never be thin enough! I am the worst person in the world for running, but each time I try and do as much as I can on the treadmill in the hope one day I'll be able to run for longer than 10 minutes! I'll then do another 10 minutes on the Cross trainer, with some resistance on and as fast as I can in order to get my heart beating! I then do 3x500m intervals on the rowing machine. After that, I'll go round and use some of the weight machines, and if Im feeling particularly adventurous, I sometimes even crack out the dumbbells as I seem to be getting more and concerned with my arms! Finally, I'll end with some ab work, just your average crunches and leg raises. To be honest, I am probably the most lazy when Im left to do my own thing which is why I definitely prefer classes.

Another thing I wanted to talk to you about is Personal Training Sessions. I know they're expensive but to be honest, if you're going to spend your money on nothing else, let it be these! Its the only way of getting tailored exercises that target exactly the results you want. They will push you a lot harder one to one than anyone can in a class and if you have any personal injuries etc, its a great way to get a programme in place that can work around anything holding you back. They're also progressive, so even though classes are my holy grail, you can fall into the trap of never working harder, whereas each session your fitness will be evaluated and improved upon which is why results are so quick! People are also under the impression its only for people who want dramatic weight loss, and again thats not true. I consider myself fairly fit, and the reason I am now looking into them is because I want to go that step further and really push myself and start to achieve the specific results I want. I happen to know a couple of the best personal trainers around too, so I have total confidence that you'll get what you want!

Its also handy to note if you're worried about your diet, that you can have a nutrition plan done, which is a million and one times better than any diet you sign up for!

All in all, going to the gym is an entire lifestyle and you 100% fall in love with it. It has not only helped me get a body to be proud of, but its done so much for my mental health! Achieving goals, letting out stress and taking the time to just relax each day is so important! It totally empowers you and I can't really recommend it enough!!!

Seriously, it will be the best thing you ever do… I started gumming about 3 years ago in January along with the rest of the world that sign up in New Year and it has totally changed my life! You'll never look back :)

I'll link you to the website of the gym I go to, the class timetable and other information can all be found of there. And if you want to know anything else, just drop me a line!

They're also running amazing offers on their Facebook too so if you're worried about price head over there!

Hope to see all your ab pics soon ;) xxx

(Heres my shameless gym selfies)

1 comment:

  1. Hello!
    My friend told me about your blog (she went to school with you) and it's exactly what I've been looking for! Someone my age who is looking to be fit and toned and not skinny!
    I am quite happy with my body but am wanting to tone up a bit. I've signed up to spin, circuits, LBT, yoga, pilates etc. at my local gym and do my own workouts daily, but am just curious about a few things;
    1. the thing I want the most is defined abs, so should I keep doing what I'm doing or focus on ab workouts more throughout the week?
    2. my friend suggested I do the 5:2 diet but I'm not enjoying it so far and am not seeing any difference, apart from the fact I am STARVED alive almost too often. After my 500 days I find myself eating all round me the next day! Is "eat little and often" a good motto to stand by, providing it's mostly protein?

    Do get back to me!

    Thanks for all the advice!

    Lucinda x
