Sunday 5 January 2014

Graze Boxes

So I just wanted to do a quick post on this since many of you have spent far too much time on my blog this weekend ;)

But I wanted to talk to you about Graze Boxes. I'm sure a lot of you have heard of these, and they've been around for a long time but I've finally got round to signing up! Mainly because I'm at university (if you hadn't gathered that by now!) and if you're like me and every other student, lectures seem to make me SO hungry. And those ten minute breaks NEED snacks in them. Since I'm trying to eat better, and all you can buy at Uni seems to be unhealthy I looked into these boxes!
As my father kindly reminds me most days, a lot of the products still contain things like chocolate and they do send you things like flapjacks, brownies, popcorn. But generally the ingredients they use are a lot purer and fresher so obviously its a hundred times better than grabbing something from the vending machine!! They have millions of different things to try and you can go online and rate what you like and don't like so eventually you'll end up with tailored boxes…

Personally I couldn't live without them, they keep me going throughout the day and a perfect alternative to biscuits for those mid-morning cravings. Each box is £3.49 and so yes it is a small investment but if you deduct it from your food bill each week (since you won't need to buy those snacks anymore) and substitute them for the £5 coffee and muffin then they work out a lot cheaper! They also give you codes to get your 1st, 5th and 10th box free. Even though you will have to give your card details, its not a commitment, you pay by box and can cancel at anytime so no need to worry about those nasty direct debits! The delivery is incredibly good, my box arrives without fail every morning but you can decided how often you want boxes!

Another huge plus is they've introduced me to a lot of nuts and seed and fruits I haven't tried before. And so I am getting a lot more vitamins and minerals than I ever have. And the coolest thing is, they make the quirkiest combinations such as 'Bakewell tart' which involves cherry soaked raisins and almonds and 'Jaffa' which involve roasted hazels, orange infused raisins and dark chocolate buttons. 

My absolute faves at the moment are the popping corn! Can't get enough of the stuff! As well as the flapjacks which are so yummy!!!!!

So just another note to say, Im not recommending these as weight loss snacks as no brownie or flapjack is going to help you lose weight, however they are healthier alternatives of snacks which contain a lot of vitamins and nutrients and if you're a snacker like me, this is no bad thing!

Definitely check them out if you can.

and I also have a friend code which gets you free boxes and discounts which a certain amount of people can use, but if you sign up, please share your code too!


And just as ruthless plug, if you enjoy my blog or following my general diet, exercise and life routine than follow Love Lies and Thunder Thighs very own Twitter…

Happy Grazing

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