Friday 21 February 2014

Peanut Butter and Chocolate Protein Cookies! (Guilt-Free Binge)

So today I have been struck down with the flu! This means not only do I feel like Ive been hit by a truck, I also don't know what to do with myself since I can't go to the gym!

Something I have really missed recently is baking, but I can't afford to just bake a batch of brownies and eat them anymore so that has left me in a huge dilemma.. however I have now discovered Protein Baking thanks to Protein Pow! Essentially its a way of baking delicious treats using nutritious ingredients and things that most gym buffs include in their diet anyway! And the best bit? None of the nasties!!!!!

It seems impossible to be able to make treats such as brownies and cookies without sugar, butter or flour, but I'll let you into a secret, ITS NOT! So here is my attempt at some delicious Peanut Butter and Chocolate cookies…

I made a small batch, since I knew I'd be eating them all in bed with some Lemsip feeling sorry for myself…

- 2 Heaped Tablespoons of Organic Peanut Butter
- 1 Egg
- 1 Tablespoon of honey
- 1 Scoop of Whey Protein (I used White chocolate but you could use Vanilla or Chocolate!)
- Half a teaspoon of Baking Powder
- Half a teaspoon of Salt
- A couple of squares of Dark Chocolate (cut into chunks)
- Nuts (optional!)

Mix all the ingredients into a bowl! This makes the most insane cookie dough and I could easily just eat this by itself! But for the purpose of experimentation, I baked them!

I spooned them onto a baking tray, I added mixed nuts to one of the cookies just to experiment further. Theres so many optional extras you can add to cookies, so just add whatever you love!
I baked these on 180 degrees for about 7-10 minutes, but you can see when they start to brown that they are ready!
And here are the finished products! They ended up somewhere between a cookie and a muffin, but instead of debating what they are, I just enjoyed them! I couldn't believe something so delicious could be made without any sugar, flour or butter! They were quite cakey in the middle, so in future I'd like to experiment with making them flatter and more chewy. But for now they definitely hit the spot and meant I could have a guilt-free binge in bed whilst recovering!

I hope you enjoyed this little post, and I'll hopefully be doing more recipes like this in the future as I experiment more!


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