Sunday 2 February 2014

Slendertox: My Teatox experience!

So, as a sucker for marketing, I heard about the latest trend in Teatoxing and had to find out more! I was lucky enough to be sent a 14 day Teatox kit by Slendertox, so thank you to them!!

The first thing I noticed, in comparison to some of the other brands was that their tea actually already came in teabags which is so handy, since other brands give you loose tea and you need your own strainer, which sounds like hard work already!!

Theres a Daytox pack, which you drink every morning when you wake up and a Nighttox, that you drink every other night. The difference in ingredients etc can be found here. Its made from completely natural and organic ingredients, so nothing to be scared of!!

Theres also different periods of detoxing, so you can buy a 28 day or a 3 month pack. But obviously I'd recommend trying out the 14 day one first :)

All you have to do is make the tea, using warm water as opposed to boiling water, and leave it between 15-30 minutes but no longer! (I did forget about it once, and trust me, you don't want to, it went straight through me!)

So Saturday, two weeks ago now, I started it and I was very impressed with the taste, as I was expecting it to taste like a garden, but in fact it just tasted like normal black tea, and not too strong either, making it very easy to drink which is always a plus considering you have to drink it everyday for 2 weeks!

The website warns you that you should drink the night-tox at least 10 hours before you usually wake up and this is THE most important thing you need to remember. As 10 hours to the second after I had drank my tea-tox I was running to the loo! (Im trying not to TMI but you need warning!) Its best to start getting used to the stuff when you know you're gonna be near a toilet, don't drink it and then get stuck in traffic for hours….

The difference in the definition of my abs
during the detox was definitely the
most noticeable effect for me! 
The day-tox has a lot less of a laxative effect but still had an effect about 8 hours after you drink it. Even though the effects are gross, theres something rewarding knowing that your body is getting cleansed. However, they do recommend that you avoid a lot of foods and stick to a diet plan when using the tea-tox as well as drinking a lot of water to recover from the laxative effect. This also means your body has a period of having no bad foods or toxins in it, hence the detox! I probably wasn't as strict as I should have been with my diet, but I didn't mind the fact that when I caved and ate chocolate, I knew it wouldn't be in my system for long, which is probably horrendous logic but made me happy!

At first, I was really enjoying my teatox, and I felt a lot less bloated, and even though I hated the laxative effect, it was definitely getting all the rubbish out of my system and made me feel a lot lighter. My tummy was incredibly flat and this meant my abs were coming out so defined. Even people as slim as me get self conscious about the bloat bump and it was non-existent thanks to this tea! Making my trip
to the gym in a sports bra, insecure free!

However, after about 1.5 weeks of teatox, I had been suffering a lot with the cramps associated with the colon cleansing. I mean, it does warn you this is a possible side-effect, but it was becoming unbearable personally. Perhaps this is my fault for not sticking strictly to their diet plan, or perhaps it didn't agree with me, but I did have to take time off to stop the pain in my stomach! However, after taking time off, I definitely missed it! As I didn't feel like I was getting my daily cleanse, and I felt bloated and full of rubbish again which makes you feel worse about yourself!

All in all, I enjoyed experimenting with this new product. I would recommend trying anything once, and even though I had a bad experience with the cramping, I still enjoyed the anti-bloating effects it had on me and I really loved how slender I did start looking in such a short time. And of course not everyone will react how I did so I would of course urge you try it yourself :)

You can purchase it from here:

 and also check out their twitter, as its full of usual queries and helpful people:

Let me know if you've tried any of the Tea-toxs and what your experiences were!

I'd also love to try out their new slimming patches so let me know if anyone has tried these!!!



  1. Hi Evie, I had a hairdressing client of mine recommend these detox tea's so decided to Google them for reviews and found your review which is excellent.

    I have thought about this sort of detox for a whir and these sound really good and effective, of course slight concern about when they will work and how urgently? particularly as I stand all day doing hair! lol

    You can email me at

    Are the urges manageable when they come? sorry dodgy topic.. but don't fancy being caught short, been there in the past! OMG


  2. Hiya,

    thanks for the review, i'm just starting this teatox actually on a new health & fitness blog of mine.
    You can check it out when you have time

