Monday 13 July 2015

When all you've got to keep is strong, Move Along.

The most important thing in life is to stay in love with yourself. Not in a narcissistic way. But the second you give up on yourself, you may as well not be living.

Keep pushing yourself. I think everyone needs a break after so many years of education to relax and enjoy no pressure, however don't give up on progression forever. Never settle. There is so much out there in the world for you, so many new people to meet, so many things to learn, mistakes to make and excitement to be had. Every month I look back and am constantly surprised by the new experiences I have had and how each new person has enriched my life. I never want to be in a place where nothing is new. I used to hate change because it terrified me, now the only thing that terrifies me is getting stuck in monotony.

 This year has been a difficult one for me, I broke up with the love of my life, I finished university and my family home was sold in order to begin a new chapter as a new family. For someone with an anxious personality, this uprooted everything I relied on. I got so caught up in anxiety and depression that I gave up on myself completely. Anxiety makes you dislike yourself a lot, and I didn't want anything for myself except security. At my darkest, I didn't want a tomorrow. I couldn't bare the thought of another day. Luckily for me, I had best friends who loved me when I couldn't love myself, I had a family which fed me, made sure I got out of bed in the morning and gave me everything I could ever need. I also cannot thank the people I work with enough for the constant hugs, putting up with the tears and keeping me smiling everyday through a horrible time. They taught me to fall back in love with life again and I don't know where I would be without them. People are in your life just at the right time, and the last 9 months at Topshop/Topman have completely proved that theory for me. They are a crazy bunch of people and some I couldn't be more different from, but I am a better person now because of them.

I feel like finally, after 5 months I am getting back to myself. As much as I hated losing the one I loved, if I'd have stayed in a relationship with him, it would have held us both back in so many ways. We'd have had each other, but nothing else. July is a good month for me as it reminds me in 2012, I ran with the Olympic Torch. I go on about it a lot I know, but its my constant reminder to keep moving and growing. I can't really believe I was lucky enough to do it, nor deserving of it. When I look at that Torch in front of me now, its a symbol that someone out there believed in me enough to award me with the honour of carrying it, and I cannot let them down. I feel like only now, I have started to believe in myself again, and am already pushing to progress in my career and generally be a better person. As far as love goes, I am staying single. I have been in long term relationships since I was 16 and they have been beautiful, however I have spent all my time working on those relationships instead of myself. I think its important, especially in your twenties to have some time to be a free spirit and do whatever it is you want to do. I feel like being in a relationship takes away the spontaneity of life, for me anyway. So for now, the only relationship I'll be working on, is the one with myself. I don't like myself everyday, and sometimes I hate the things I do, but until I make these mistakes I'm never going to learn. A lot of people can't stand me, but equally all the people I care about wouldn't have me any other way and that comforts me a lot.

I used to resent school for pushing me so hard but I wouldn't be the girl I am today if it wasn't for that place. And my Dad who constantly badgers me and my brother to progress when all we wanna do is chill. It seems so much pressure. But now I can't thank them enough as its made me crave success in everything I do. I am incredibly lucky to have a Dad who's worked his entire life just to give me everything I've ever wanted without much in return.  

I am so blessed with so many opportunities and I am an idiot for ever wanting to throw that all away.

One of my favourite quotes is "It's not faith if you're using your eyes" and it couldn't be more true. Things are going to happen to you, in a weeks time, in a years time and in ten years time that you never saw coming. Life is full of surprises and that's what makes it so exciting, don't ever give up because you can't see a way forward in front of you right now.

For the first time in a long time, I am excited about life and if theres one bit of advice I want you to take from this post, its the title. Even when it feels like the worlds against you, never stay still.


1 comment:

  1. Great article..I am looking so forward to your blog comment and I love your page on your post.. That is so pretty..
    Game ស្លត់អនឡាញ
