Sunday 3 January 2016

You should go and love yourself...

I could review my entire year but I have to be up at 5am so instead I'm gonna keep this short...

The best advice I can give you is to concentrate on yourself. Don't just survive in life, only do stuff if its 100% what you want.

I get up at 5am everyday and do a 2 hour commute to my job, and I bloody love it. I live for my job. Not only is it loads of fun but it challenges me and makes me wanna do better every single day. I am around the most talented, intellectual and ambitious team which make me wanna work even harder. I get stressed sometimes, but I have totally surprised myself with what I'm capable of and that is what we should all be striving to do. When I worked in retail, it was easy fun, I loved the people, it paid for my lifestyle but looking back it wasn't what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. Don't do a job for the money, the world is your oyster. I don't care what you think is holding you back, Its never too late to start completely again, go start a course, or apply for a new job. Its so easy to apply for stuff on the internet now a days, theres really no excuse. I didn't get my dream job through luck, I did my degree, I did some part time work and I applied for jobs and got one! Please don't ever settle for anything less than what makes you happy... People are always gonna be cynical, they're going to tell you its too hard, or out of your reach, but it's not. The worst thing you can do is be stuck in the same place this time next year.

Another huge thing I've learnt is to love when you're ready not when you're lonely. I have always been the girl who thought you were nothing unless you had a boyfriend or that a relationship would be able to fix my unhappiness. But it's actually so much more rewarding to be too busy working on yourself to need someone else.  Don't get me wrong, I get lonely and I always want cuddles but you have to love yourself before you let someone else love you otherwise you're going to try and fill that emptiness with your relationship. You should never make someone your entire life, because when things go wrong you'll have nothing left and thats exactly what I've been doing wrong. Its so much easier to cope with break-ups when you have a life to continue after them. I wanna be able to inspire the person I am with and vice versa. Relationships should help grow you, not keep you the same or worse, drag you down. Be worth falling in love with before you put yourself out there.

Life is gonna have its challenges this year, horrible things are gonna happen whether you like it or not, and equally no doubt you will have some of the best times of your life. The only things you can control is the roots you set. Have good friends, make them know you're grateful for them. Have a support network so that whatever comes this year, you are ready to face it. We live on such a beautiful planet, look around and start appreciating the little things rather than getting caught up in the first world problems (aka southeastern trains!!).

At the end of the day, my blessings outweigh my problems and for that I am forever grateful.

In the words of Justin Bieber, go and love yourself ;)


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