Thursday 24 January 2013

The quest for candy-floss hair!

So along with my absolute adoration for Katy Perry, I had decided that if I was going to make some hair faux pas', I better make them now in my 'experimental' years! So with this in mind... I decided to dye my hair pastel pink.
   I had been told that in order to get it to the lightest candy floss pink, you had to have white hair. This was a problem as although I bleach my hair, I only get a full head of highlights leaving a lot of my natural colour to come through, I still however thought I was blonde enough for the pink to show up! In my fears of it going wrong however, I did it right before I was due to get my highlights done so if it did go terribly wrong, I would be able to bleach it out! So although my hair wasn't at its brightest blonde, I had just got back from the South of France, so it should have been blonder anyway!
  I had been recommended to use either Crazy Colour or La Riche Directions. I managed to only find the La Riche collection in a local hair suppliers for around £3. They had three different pinks to choose from, a vibrant hot pink (flamingo pink) a medium bright pink (carnation pink) and a pastel pink. Although the obvious choice here would be the pastel pink, I had actually been told by people who had tried it, to buy the medium pink and dilute it with conditioner as the pastel pink had a more orangey tone, where as the bright pinks were a more pure candy-floss colour (when diluted!!!)
   So, one impulsive afternoon, my dear (patient) friend Lizzie came over to help me! We mixed the colour 1:3 to conditioner and tested it on a small strand of hair. Although it did not come out brightly, I was happy to continue as I figured I only wanted a subtle pink anyway! We ended up dying the smallest sections at a time to check I liked it before dying more, and we ended up dying most of my hair minus the top section, so the colour came through at the ends of my hair but not at my parting.
   A lot of the time, the pink only came out properly on the highlights that were very white, and a lot of the brassy highlights went an orangey peachy colour. However, it was a fun experiment to say the least!! I was under the impression it was going to wash out completely in 4-6 washes, and to be honest, it never really washed out!  Although for the first couple of washes, I put some dye in my conditioner to re-boost the pink, even after weeks I was still left with a darkish warm blonde tone to my hair where the pink had been. Eventually I bleached it out with the highlights. In this sense, Im glad I only dyed the underneath!!!
   A few months later, I still had half a pot of dye, and still unsatisfied by my pink adventure, I decided to dip dye some old extensions I had, so I could literally clip in pink hair when I felt the need, as opposed to ruining my beautiful blonde again! However, I didnt dilute the dye much this time and so the hair extensions came out a bright pink, as opposed to the soft candy colour I had hoped, however still a brave look for going out!
   If I'm perfectly honest, I am still incredibly jealous when I see girls with very white candy-floss hair, however I realise to achieve that I would have to bleach my entire head and this would result in my long locks snapping into an untidy bob which in the long run would not be worth it! However, I have wondered if using a lilac colour instead of a pink would work better as it would be darker than my natural hair? Either way I know my story with pink hair isn't over yet...But for now, I'll stick to blonde, they have more fun anyway!

Hair Dye:

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