Monday 18 February 2013

The Nightmare before Valentines... (or after)

I know this probably isn't your average post on a beauty blog but I had to share this horrendously embarrassing moment with you...

Here it is, my first proper valentines where I have a long term relationship, not only do I feel like I have made it in the world, but I had been excited for this for weeks! With him living in Islington, we'd decided I should go up there for the weekend because London is obviously full of trendy places to go and be commercially loved up compared to unlimited salad at the Harvester. (Not complaining!) So the plan was to go to a gorgeous bar I'd found and sip cocktails till I felt sufficiently satisfied. Although saying that after about two I'd definitely be drunk and he'd definitely be broke having seen how much one cocktail in East London cost! 
Alas, I was incredibly excited and being the beauty buff I am, I started to plan my entire look from about January 14th, never mind February. I searched the likes of Asos, Rare, Motel, Topshop etc for days and days looking for style inspiration and eventually decided I wanted to wear something backless so it was not too obviously revealing with leather leggings yet still showing some skin! I searched and searched for THE most backless cami I could find in order to have as much fake tanned back showing as I could! The perfect top arrived at my door a few days later and I hung it up, pride of place in front of my wardrobe so I could wake up every morning excited to wear it!
Eventually, weeks later THE night came to wear it and as you can imagine I am besides myself at this point. I pull on my too tight leather leggings, wing on some black eyeliner and smother my lips in blood red lipstick. When it came to the top,  I pain stakingly sello-taped myself in making sure all vitals were secure and covered. However, shortly before we had decided to go to a restaurant instead. Being Iranian, he naturally found a persian place and having been with him for a long time I had also fallen in love with persian food, so I wasn't entirely bothered we were no longer going to an overpriced basement for cocktails! I'd been to persian restaurants before and they'd be quite relaxed, so although I released my top was better suited for a sexy environment such as a cocktail bar, I still thought it would be ok in a restaurant! 
I put my coat on (very upset to have to cover the top) and travelled to the restaurant, when we arrive, were seated in the centre of a very crowded restaurant and being freezing outside I hadn't got round to warming up enough to take off my coat yet. I settle in my seat and glance around and thats when I realised....Everyone around me was not only iranian, but all the women were in fully covered including headscarves. I WAS MORTIFIED. Suddenly I flashed back to the moments of searching for the MOST revealing backless top I could find and wished I hadn't been so good at it! I devastatingly wrapped myself up to my chin in my coat and remained like this for the entire meal. My dreams of wondering round a trendy bar looking sultry with my leather leggings, black eyeliner and deep red lipstick were slowly slipping away into the reality of looking ridiculous. I'm still upset thinking about it now!
However, the food was beyond words and after a couple of glasses of BYOB echo falls, I was more than happy. So the moral of the story is, don't try to hard if you live a hilariously embarrassing life like me, it never works out well!                    
                                                                                                    Here is the backview of the top, I wont              haunt you with my sellotaped in front view.

1 comment:

  1. I really wish I hadn’t seen this as long evening dress, business suits, boys suits I really want one now!
