Thursday 11 April 2013

How white are your teeth?

So I havent posted for a while as I have been a busy bunny with university! However, I have an exciting bit of product research for you! Teeth Whitening.
I've never thought about teeth whitening as I always thought that the bleach would damage your teeth, and I have fairly sensitive/thin teeth anyway! Although having spoken to a friend who is a Dentist, he claims that if you get peroxide whitening done professionally there is no evidence it harms your teeth in the long term!
However, my beautician Jodie, had trained in a new product called LoveLite teeth whitening which was without bleach. I won a session as part of a competition she won and so finally got the chance to see what it was like. However, my boyfriend had always wanted his teeth whitened as he is a teeth obsessive! (His favourite birthday present was the new Oral B WOW electric toothbrush). And since it was his birthday and being the lovely girl I am, I booked him in for the session instead of myself.

The process takes around an hour. You are not allowed to brush your teeth the morning of the appointment (this drove his teeth OCD wild) or eat for over an hour before your appointment. The process involves wearing a lip retractor device and having a gel formula applied on the teeth. You were then left under a special lamp for 15 minutes, before rinsing the product off with mouth rinse. This process was repeated twice more, totalling 45 minutes. The beautician did a shade analysis before and after the appointment in order to see the difference. Its a bit of an eye opener how far down the scale you are, even if you think you have fairly white teeth! After the process is finished, you can see an immediate difference and Ive taken pictures to show you Sam's teeth! However, the gel is active for 12 hours further so may go around half a shade lighter over night. He was advised to not brush his teeth till the next morning and the worst of all? He had to go on the 'White Diet' for 72 hours. This involves eating only food which are white/clear such as bread, water, dairy in order to prevent the teeth from staining.

All in all, I think the process is fairly uncomfortable but not painful in anyway, you just have to keep swallowing to avoid drowning from your own saliva whilst your lips are pulled back to oblivion for 45 minutes. However, it was so worth it, and with no side effects its definitely a sin-free treatment. Its supposed to last around 12-18 months depending on whether you smoke/drink coffee etc. You can have booster treatments and also can buy a top-up at home pack. (Which Sam bought immediately) I would definitely have it done myself if I had the money but at around £150 a session, as a student I can't quite afford it! But I do definitely recommend it!

I would refer you to the beautician we used as she is fantastic however she has moved to Whitstable. However, if youre willing to travel she does weekend appointments there and they're amazing! Plus, Whitstable is a lovely place so make a day of it!  Her Number is 07921335211, so feel free to text her for more information :)

Before and After photo!
"I look like I'm one of the X-men"

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