Friday 3 January 2014

Indulging in some nostalgia from 2013..

It's not until you look back through your photos do you remember what a year you've had! I am so blessed to be able to live the life I do, and to spend time with so many amazing people! So I thought I'd go through the highlights of the past year!

This was me at London Fashion Week in February with my cousin Lucy. This was Valentines Weekend and I had been treated to Hotel Chocolat goods and also a lovely night out to an Iranian Restaurant with half Persian boyfriend at the time. Its time like these when you realise how amazing and diverse London is!

This was my 19th Birthday meal at Rocksalt in Folkestone. It was the best restaurant I'd been too and the cocktail menu was out of this world. I had the best night and am thinking of returning for my 20th in March!

Since I have a birthday week, instead of just a day my aunty threw me this afternoon tea. It involved Pink Moet, Crustless sandwiches and some of my uncles prize baking. You can see me here cutting into my amazing ChoccyWoccyDooDah cake. I love this company and the cake was a real surprise. Probably one of the best birthdays I've had to date.

Another highlight of this year was getting to feed Giraffes at London Zoo. It was a birthday present for my previous boyfriend. I love animals so much and this was really an amazing experience although their long black tongues are a bit scary haha! 
So in the summer I got the opportunity to explore America and make many dreams come true. Here I am in Disney California pretending I'm a Princess. This is an even more special place for me, since my Great Aunt Cicely Rigdon was an employee here and soon became a close friend of Walt Disney himself. She became a keeper of the keys to the park and now is marked as an Embassador with her name on a window in Main Street. I was lucky enough to visit it and have never felt prouder. She supposedly lives in the area too but unfortunately I was unable to track her down :(

Here we are driving to Vegas. It took five hours but seemed like no time at all since I spent the whole journey amazed by the scenic route, rolling mountains and tumble weed!

Finally in Vegas, here I am (looking rough) in our 5 star room in the Aria. We decided to live like kings and queens and order $100 pizza in room service. If ever there was a time to use this phrase its now, YOLO. 

This was one of the only days I got to sunbathe since it was such a packed holiday, and it was about 47 degrees so I wasn't out for very long either. Naturally the only cold drinks they sold were from Starbucks.  Its so surreal being by the pool, as it gives the feel of being somewhere exotic yet there you are in the centre of commercialism, sunbathing on a tall building rooftop in the middle of the Vegas Strip. 

Despite looking like a materialistic kinda girl, I actually adore nature and so seeing the Gran Canyon was a beautiful experience for me. I could not comprehend its vastness and now sitting in rainy england, its hard to believe I was out there experiencing something so amazing. It took 9 hours to drive here from Vegas and we couldn't stay out in the 50 degree weather long but it was so worth it. Shortly after we left, Arizona had the largest forrest fires in a long time and 12 firemen died! Just some indication of how hot it is out there! 

Had to include this, you can't go to America without stocking up on these imports. Its amazing to think they charge £6 for American Poptarts here, and yet they were like a dollar in Wallmart. The food is a novelty, but my body was not happy with the amount of high fructose corn syrup by the end of the 3 weeks and I was actually sick for the first time since I was little!

Just a little trip to Hollywood, I had been before on a school trip and really got to experience the behind the scenes movie life which was an amazing trip so it wasn't as exciting the second time round, however it was nice to experience some Deja Vu.
Towards the end of summer I got the honour of attending two graduations in one day! First was my Ex-Boyfriends at the London School of Economics. This was so prestigious and really made me realise how lucky and privileged we are in England to have one of the best education systems. He worked very hard throughout his degree and I was incredibly proud.

As if my hands weren't hurting enough from the morning of clapping, I then attended my Brother's Masters Graduation at the London College of Communications. He did a masters in Fine Art Photography and was one of a small group of people who were picked for this degree. This is one of my favourite photos and I couldn't be prouder of him!

Over the summer, in between the travelling and graduations, I worked for the cosmetics company Models Own. Although it came with its problems, over all I loved this small stint in Bluewater and had fun being one of those make-up girls. I seemed to meet the entire cast of Towie, but here are my two faves ;)

A major highlight of this year was my oldest and most loveable friend (and also brother to my ex-boyfriend) Josh Zare getting on the X factor with his boy band Kingsland Road. We always used to talk about him being famous and I honestly couldn't believe my eyes when I was watching him on TV. Here we are filming for the Judges House's return episode. I bet a group of amazing people and I wish the boys all the luck in the world! 
Being fan girls in our t-shirts!

Probably THE highlight of my year was finding the true love of my life, Sir George Cadbury II aka George the Chihuahua. I now have three dogs and he is the most amazing little addition to my life. He is full of life and naughtiness and waking up to his face every morning keeps me going. He is like a little Bambi and makes my day everyday (apart from when he steals my food). I couldn't live without him!

This picture is not only a memory from this years Halloween night out, but a reminder that even though were 10 years older, I still have the besets friends a girl could ask for, and I am so happy to have spent time with all my friends this year despite our busy lifestyles. True Friendship doesn't need time and maintenance just the knowledge that they're always gonna be there when you need them!

A little geeky highlight here, but for my early Christmas Present I got taken to Harry Potter world with my Uncle, Aunty and Cousin. It was a fantastic day I loved playing a quick game of quidditch.

So here I am, with my other best friends who I have also been friends with since Primary School. And even though were old and spent new years eve in, we devoured so much food and champers that I couldn't have been happier. Not a day goes by when Im not grateful for my friends and I can't really believe how much we've grown up!

So here I am, the last day of 2013. With pink hair and my new addition to the family in his tuxedo. I've learnt a hell of a lot this year about myself, and have been getting quirkier by the day. A lot has changed this year, somethings have been incredibly hard and sad and I broke up with my boyfriend of nearly 3 years. And even though I have no clue what 2014 is going to throw at me (and if I know my life, its gonna be hard!) but  I have the BEST friends and family around me and so I have a lot of fall back on for support. Lets hope for another exciting year, even though life is going far too fast! Happy New Year Everyone!


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