Friday 3 October 2014

My First Tattoo

Hi Guys, sorry for the radio silence recently, been waiting for some inspiration to get back into the swing of things! So here I am! And today I am going to talk about tattoos. I am by no means an expert, but hopefully this will help all you indecisive wimps (like me!) decide whether or not to get inked!

I have always thought about tattoos but recently have got more interested in them through meeting my lovely boyfriend James. After being made to watch several documentaries and TV series, I really fell in love with the culture. The thing people don't seem to realise is, tattooing is just as much art as any other creative medium. In fact it takes a lot more skill to translate a pencil drawing onto skin!

When picking a tattoo, my friend Charlotte and I generally say that you must have wanted something for a very long time before you can fully commit to having it forever. When I was 15, I would have probably got a playboy logo tattooed on me, five years later and I can think of nothing worse! This shows how dramatically your tastes can change over a short period so make sure the design you choose will be something you'll love forever. This is why people generally get things tattooed that are meaningful to them, such as family members or a symbol of a memorable time of their life. I chose a seahorse because I am secretly the Little Mermaid (incase you didn't know!) and I also went to a seahorse themed holiday club for several years throughout my childhood and therefore this little critter in particular is sentimental to me!

The hardest part of choosing a tattoo (I think!) is choosing where to place it. I wanted somewhere that wouldn't be on show in day to day clothes, including a sleeveless dress, just in case I end up in a workplace that does not want them on show! Generally, tattoos are more widely accepted but just in case, I am being careful whilst I'm still choosing which path to follow! As I grow older and settle myself into a career, I will feel more comfortable about getting tattoos in places on show. I chose the back of my neck as I have long hair so it is hidden 90% of the time. I also cannot see it constantly and therefore am less likely to get bored of it! Another huge factor when picking location is to plan ahead! If you decide you want more tattoos, you don't want to take up valuable space by putting a small one in the middle of a large area of skin! Again, as my neck area is small, I was able to get away with putting something little there!

Pain... what pain? I nearly had a nervous breakdown the morning of my tattoo. I have the lowest pain threshold in the world and there is this hype that it is more painful than childbirth, you can pass out, vomit etc. I was terrified! The only thing that calmed me was that most tattoo artists (hopefully!) draw a tiny line on you first to check you are comfortable with the feeling, so even if for some reason you don't like it, you can stop immediately and are not committed to going through with anymore pain! When she drew the small line, I couldn't believe how pain free it is! It felt like a vibrating rod being traced along your skin. I imagine for a longer sitting, it must get quite uncomfortable purely because the skin does get irritated and if the same area is being drawn and shaded on for several hours, it probably will become tender. However, it is not a pain like a jab or a cat scratching you, its just an irritable rubbing. A jab goes through your skin and your muscle half way into your arm, a tattoo never even pierces though all the layers of your skin and the needle is minute in comparison. You can feel it slightly more nearer to bones, so this is why rib or foot tattoos will be worse than other places, however if you want it enough, its not that excruciating! The vomiting and passing out is related to the body releasing adrenaline so as along as you eat some food and drink a coke or something you should be fine!

Another tip I have is do your research!!! I cannot stress enough how important it is to get a good artist. You will get what you pay for! One mishap and its there for life, and there is nothing worse than a bad tattoo! Artists also specialise in certain styles such as traditional, photo realism, black and grey, Japanese etc. So if you want something specific, search for an artist that not only enjoys that style but has lots of practice in it! You wouldn't go to Banksy for a watercolour painting so why go to an artist who has no experience in the design you are trying to achieve? It doesn't mean they're bad artists, its just about making sure you end up with the best version of the tattoo you want!

Tattoos do look different healed to when they are fresh in the sense that some detail will be lost. Some may not heal correctly also, which is why artists allow you to return for a free touch up if you're unhappy with the outcome. They will also continue to wear and fade over the years so don't expect your fresh tattoo to stay the same forever. I will show you pictures of mine when it was first done, to how it looks when it healed a couple of weeks later...



Finally, I will end this post answering the age old question "Aren't you worried what they'll look like when you're 70?" Honestly, I am more worried what my entire body and face will look like when I'm 70. Have you ever looked at your grandma and thought "Wow she looks banging, thank god she doesn't have tattoos" nor have I ever heard an elder person say "I am so happy I haven't got tattoos to regret". As long as you have well thought out, well done tattoos, there should be nothing to regret! These are the best years of our lives, and we will never look this good physically again, so why not enhance your body whilst you can still flaunt it? I'll be happy if I'm still able to dress myself when I'm old, never mind worrying about what others think of my tattoos! In any case, it will be a nice reminder of my youth!

If anyone has any more specific questions then please feel free to ask!

Lots of Love



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